
We’ve rebranded from Serpr to Luminr and here is why

Written By Otilia Crizbasan | 21 September, 2023

Our new name reflects Luminr’s broader vision of providing brands with AI-powered insights into the entire searchable web.

Luminr (formally Serpr) entered the market as a global search intelligence platform focused on measuring and analysing every pixel of page one Google. That Google-centric vision is now outdated.

Over 60% of US online shoppers start their product search on Amazon and according to Hubspot’s 2022 State of U.S. Consumer Trends Report, 50% of millennials and 57% of Gen Z had discovered a new product on social media in three months prior to the survey.

Even Google has acknowledged this shift with Prabhakar Raghavan, a Senior Vice President who runs Google’s Knowledge & Information organisation telling the audience at Fortune’s Brainstorm Tech that “almost 40% of young people, when they’re looking for a place for lunch, they don’t go to Google Maps or Search they go to TikTok and Instagram.”

These behavioural shifts reflect the need for businesses to look beyond traditional search engines and recognise social media’s importance as a discovery tool. To take advantage of this growing trend, it’s now imperative for brands to prioritise TikTok SEO and Instagram SEO within their strategies.

The landscape of online search has evolved over the last few years. Luminr is tackling this evolution by shifting the focus from traditional search engines to the entire searchable landscape.

James Wolman, Head of Innovation at Luminr, says: “We’re in an era where every click, like, and search matters. Luminr monitors every potential search query, providing a comprehensive view of a brand’s ability to capture and serve the users’ needs digitally.

Our evolution isn’t just in name. With this change, we are setting a new standard for the industry and becoming the globally trusted marketing intelligence and AI platform.”

luminr team

Luminr is focused on including emerging channels such as TikTok, Amazon, TripAdvisor, and ChatGPT. Alongside the name change, the rebranding includes a new focus on delivering AI-powered insights across all these platforms.

Dora Moldovan, co-founder of Luminr and managing director of sister company Braidr, adds: “The exciting changes in search behaviour and what feels like an AI revolution, mean we can think bigger and offer our clients a comprehensive and unique solution to their search measurement & competitor intelligence problems. It feels like a natural evolution to take our product out of the SERP space and into the every search space, using generative AI to accelerate our transformation.”

Brands can no longer rely solely on analytics to measure their performance. They are also faced with conflicting metrics and data littered across multiple platforms and channels. Despite this documented shift in user behaviour, no other platform offers the solution. The name change to Luminr represents the company’s commitment to being that solution.

Our ability to quickly include these growing search channels into our offering ensures that our partners and clients are staying a step ahead of their competitors while also delivering value to customers.

Natalie Patel, managing director of multi-award digital marketing agency Found, adds: “Everything brands knew about search has changed. Our digital world has expanded beyond conventional search engine success – this means brands can no longer rely on analytics and SEO tools to measure their performance.

Luminr is helping us gain unrivalled insights into the entire searchable landscape – the attention we are capturing, the influence we are having, and the moves our customers and competitors are making. There is no other platform like it that can enable us to understand our clients’ market and their performance which means we as an agency can help them succeed and beat out their competitors”

Luminr emerges as the beacon in this space, transforming raw, channel-fragmented data into decisive AI-powered insights.

Our platform empowers business leaders to measure their influence, visibility, and attention across the entire searchable landscape – from Google to TikTok, Amazon to Instagram, Bard to ChatGPT.

Get in touch and discover what Luminr can do for your brand.